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Please Repair -- Tenant Handbook


"Please Repair"is designed to be used as part of a housing orientation for a non-English speaking tenant.  Each page contains illustrations of "dos" and "don'ts".  The booklet addresses apartment maintenance, safety and security, mail and notices, being a good neighbor and energy conservation.  It is designed to help a tenant communicate a repair need eliminating or reducing the need for an interpretor.


This pamphlet is available on an Office of Refugee Resettlement website in English, Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, French, Maay Maay, Russian, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese.


Click Here


Two additional versions in Karen and Nepali are only available here:

Karen Please Repair.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [15.4 MB]
Nepali Please Repair.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.9 MB]


NOTE:  "Please Repair" results from a collaborative effort between the African Community Center in Denver, Colorado and Mercy Housing, Inc.  It is a product of the Technical Assistance for Refugee Housing Services project, Grant Number 90RB0015, awarded to Mercy Housing, Inc., by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services and may not necessarily reflect the views of ORR or Gary E. Hanes & Associates, LLC.